Registration open now for Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association’s first regional educational gathering
From market prices to the border crisis to what consumers really want, cattle raisers have a lot on their minds.
On Oct. 7, they’ll get the chance to hear from industry experts and catch up with their peers at the Lubbock Educational Gathering held at the National Ranching Heritage Center. Registration is open now for the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association event at
Hughes Abell, a rancher from Austin and the association’s president, said this is the first event of its kind from Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association.
“We know not everyone can make it to Fort Worth for our convention, and while our webinars are great tool, it’s just not the same as gathering in-person,” Abell said. “We wanted to bring a full day of education and networking to our members in locations that are convenient and inexpensive for them.”
Registration costs $25 and includes breakfast and lunch.
For more information on this or other events, email [email protected].