For Immediate Release: Sept. 8, 2011
Contact: Carmen Fenton, 512-469-0171
FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS – Five suspects have been arrested in the alleged theft of 6,000 lambs worth an estimated $1 million from a feedlot in Gillespie County. The final suspect was arrested August 22.
TSCRA Special Ranger Max Hartmann and Texas Rangers Wayne Matthews and Jess Ramos arrested Jose Martinez Hernandez, Mason, TX; Emilio Rodriguez Lopez, Francisco Rodriguez Lopez and Cipriano Rodriguez Lopez, all of Marble Falls; and Angel Gonzalez-Cortez, Round Mountain, on first degree felony theft charges.
The suspects are currently held in the Gillespie County jail on bonds ranging from $200,000 to $750,000.
“This is an ongoing investigation,” said Hartmann. “We were able to locate and arrest these five suspects thanks to the multi-agency efforts of TSCRA, the Texas Rangers, the Gillespie, Mason and Burnet County Sheriff’s Departments and the Fredericksburg Police Department.”
TSCRA has 30 special rangers stationed strategically throughout Texas and Oklahoma who have in-depth knowledge of the cattle industry and are trained in all facets of law enforcement. All are commissioned as Special Rangers by the Texas Department of Public Safety and/or the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association is a 134-year-old trade organization. As the largest and oldest livestock association in Texas, TSCRA represents more than 15,000 beef cattle producers, ranching families and businesses who manage approximately 4 million head of cattle on 75.9 million acres of range and pasture land, primarily in Texas and Oklahoma. TSCRA provides law enforcement and livestock inspection services, legislative and regulatory advocacy, industry news and information, insurance services and educational opportunities for its members and the industry.