TSCRA members are encouraged to take to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 3 to vote on several constitutional amendments on the November ballot.
TSCRA is supportive of the 3 propositions below. TSCRA is neutral on the remaining 4 propositions.
Proposition 5: Proposes a constitutional amendment which would increase from 5,000 to 7,500 the maximum total population threshold of a county that is allowed to construct and maintain private roads as long as the county imposes a reasonable charge for the work.
The proposed amendment will appear on the ballot as follows: “The constitutional amendment to authorize counties with a population of 7,500 or less to perform private road construction and maintenance.”
Proposition 6: Proposes a constitutional amendment that would add the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife, including by use of traditional methods, in the Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution. This right would be subject to laws and regulations intended to conserve and manage wildlife and to preserve the future of hunting and fishing. The proposed amendment would establish hunting and fishing as the preferred method of managing and controlling wildlife in Texas. The proposed amendment is not intended to affect any law or provision related to trespass, property rights or eminent domain, and would not prevent the legislature from authorizing a municipality to regulate the discharge of a firearm in a populated area in the interest of safety.
The proposed amendment will appear on the ballot as follows: “The constitutional amendment recognizing the right of the people to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife subject to laws that promote wildlife conservation.”
Proposition 7: Proposes a constitutional amendment to dedicate a portion of revenues from (1) the state sales and use tax, and (2) the tax imposed on the sale, use, or rental of a motor vehicle, to the State Highway Fund (SHF). Under current law, these funds would be deposited to the General Revenue Fund. Money deposited to the SHF is intended to be used only to construct, maintain, or acquire rights-of-way for public roadways other than toll roads; or to repay certain transportation-related debt.
The proposed amendment would appear on the ballot as follows: “The constitutional amendment dedicating certain sales and use tax revenue and motor vehicle sales, use, and rental tax revenue to the state highway fund to provide funding for nontolled roads and the reduction of certain transportation-related debt.”
For more information including a full list of constitutional amendments on the ballot and voting locations, please visit www.votetexas.gov.