For Immediate Release: March 22, 2011
Contact: Carmen Fenton, 512-469-0171
Fort Worth, Texas – U.S. Rep. Francisco “Quico” Canseco (R-San Antonio) will address cattle raisers at the breakout session hosted by the TSCRA Legislative and Tax Committee April 2 at 2 p.m. The session is one of 10 educational breakout sessions featured during the 2011 Convention Weekend April 1-3 in San Antonio.
“In Texas, agriculture is a very important part of our economy, having an economic impact of about $100 billion,” said Rep. Canseco. “The beef industry is an important component of Texas agriculture, as Texas is the number one cattle producing state and cattle sales account for approximately 40% of all agricultural sales in Texas. Cattlemen and women are an important source of economic growth in Texas, especially in rural areas.”
As a freshman in Congress, Canseco has worked to expand trade opportunities for U.S. products including beef.
Canseco says that while the U.S. can compete with anyone in head-to-head market competition, U.S. producers are at a disadvantage if products and services continue to face stiff tariffs that competing countries do not face.
“In Texas, our economy is heavily dependent on trade. In fact, more than 1 in 5 Texas jobs depends on trade. Eliminating tariffs and other barriers through free trade agreements will expand our trading opportunities and help create jobs here at home,” Canseco said.
Expanding international trade is one of the many concerns cattle raisers have regarding federal policy and regulation.
“The Texas cattle industry is strongly impacted by state and federal policies and regulations,” said Dave Scott, rancher and TSCRA president. “It’s nice to know we have folks in Washington, like Rep. Canseco, who are watching out for our industry.”
Breakout sessions begin Saturday at 8 a.m. and run through Sunday.
As the largest cattle industry event in Texas, the TSCRA Convention is a must-attend for anyone involved in livestock production. More than 2,000 ranchers, landowners and members will gather for a weekend of outstanding programs, educational sessions, a trade show with more than 200 exhibits, plus networking and fellowship with fellow cattle raisers.
A complete schedule of events, information on accommodations, and registration information can be found at
The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association is a 134-year-old trade organization. As the largest and oldest livestock association in Texas, TSCRA represents more than 15,000 beef cattle producers, ranching families and businesses who manage approximately 4 million head of cattle on 51.5 million acres of range and pasture land, primarily in Texas and Oklahoma. TSCRA provides law enforcement and livestock inspection services, legislative and regulatory advocacy, industry news and information, insurance services and educational opportunities for its members and the industry.