As a function of TSCRA’s commitment to representing ranchers and landowners in Texas and across the Southwest, our governmental and public affairs office is hard at work tackling the issues important to the beef industry. The association’s team of knowledgeable and experienced representatives are out in the field both locally and nationally to defend landowner rights and the ranching way of life. Each week we will keep TSCRA members informed and up-to-date on the activities and issues taking place in Austin, Washington D.C. and around the globe.
This Week:
- TSCRA signed on to a letter that was sent to the Texas Congressional delegation regarding support for NAFTA. Click here to read the letter. (pdf download)
- TSCRA signed on to another letter supporting the establishment and full funding of a robust U.S. foot and mouth disease (FMD) vaccine bank. Click here to read the letter. (pdf download)
- TSCRA staff met with members and staff of the Texas Legislature regarding the upcoming special session, which will begin on July 18. Issues of municipal annexation and property tax reform were among those discussed.
- TSCRA issued a statement on USDA’s announcement banning fresh Brazilian beef imports. Click here to read.
A Look Ahead:
TSCRA leaders and staff will travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with Congressional leaders on international trade, federal tax reform, and fever tick issues.
TSCRA staff, in conjunction with members and staff of the Texas Legislature, are coordinating a ranch tour and lunch with reporters from Chinese National Television to discuss the recent agreement to reopen the Chinese market to U.S. beef.
For more information on TSCRA policies and activities, click here.