TSCRA and the World Black Hereford Association will host a ranch gathering on Friday, March 13 at the Ellis County Youth Expo Center in Waxahachie. Registration will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by a complimentary beef dinner.
The event is free and open to the public.
TSCRA Special Ranger Wayne Goodman will provide a law enforcement update and offer ranchers information on how they can keep their livestock and equipment safe and secure. TSCRA staff also will update cattle raisers on important legislative issues.
Please RSVP to 800-242-7820, ext. 192, or [email protected].
The Ellis County Youth Expo Center is located 1.5 miles north of I-35 on U.S. 287. From 1-35, take exit 403 and take the ramp to U.S. 287N/Ft. Worth. Stay on the access road for .5 mile and the Expo Center will be on the right.
The ranch gathering is sponsored by the Certified Hereford Beef. Anyone who joins TSCRA at the gathering will receive a free metal gate sign courtesy of Bayer Animal Health and New Holland Agriculture.