Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers sold steady to 5.00 lower. Trade activity and demand were moderate. A few thunderstorms across the panhandle brought a small amount of much needed moisture. Hotter than average temperatures coupled with high winds continue to dry out top soil moisture. Supply included: 78% Feeder Cattle (48% Steers, 48% Heifers, 4% Bulls); 17% Slaughter Cattle (94% Cows, 6% Bulls); 4% Replacement Cattle (53% Stock Cows, 18% Bred Cows, 29% Cow-Calf Pairs, 1% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 47%.
Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers steady to 2.00 lower. Demand moderate for feeder cattle as grains move higher. Demand continues good for the heavier weight cattle as it is cheaper to buy the cattle than to put on the weight. Steer calves sold steady to 3.00 lower. Heifer calves steady to 3.00 higher. Demand moderate for calves as summer like temperatures and high humidity has set in. Many areas of the state saw some much needed rain this week. Slaughter cows sold 2.00-7.00 lower, most decline on Lean cows. Slaughter bulls 1.00 lower. Demand light to moderate for cows. Supply included: 89% Feeder Cattle (51% Steers, 46% Heifers, 3% Bulls); 8% Slaughter Cattle (87% Cows, 13% Bulls); 3% Replacement Cattle (2% Stock Cows, 55% Bred Cows, 9% Bred Heifers, 33% Cow-Calf Pairs, 0% Heifer Pairs). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 66%.