Texoma landowners interested in learning more about eminent domain gathered Monday evening at Midwestern State University campus to hear how they can protect themselves and their private property rights. The Texans for Property Rights coalition hosted the event, which included numerous knowledgeable speakers to address the crowd and answer questions. Click here to see the video at Texoma’s news station KFDX…
TSCRA is a member of the Texans for Property Rights coalition, a group of organizations advocating for eminent domain reform. These organizations have long pursued eminent domain reform that addresses fairness to landowners. Some of the TSCRA leaders and directors that spoke at and were in attendance at Monday’s event included Past President Joe Parker; Honorary Director Emry Birdwell; and Directors J.K. “Rooter” Brite, Clayton Henry and Deborah Clark. Association member Zach Brady, of Brady & Hamilton Law Group, also gave a presentation about eminent domain and answered questions.
If you’d like to attend a meeting, there are two left in 2016: in Lubbock on Thursday, Dec. 7, and Mason on Monday, Dec. 12.