When parentage testing pays for your commercial operation While determining parentage of commercial calves may not always be cost-effective, it may pay in certain situations. -BEEF …Continue Reading about When parentage testing pays for your commercial operation
Cow-Calf Corner: Fall feeder cattle market situation; Cow age and cow productivity Fall feeder cattle market situationby Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension livestock marketing specialist …Continue Reading about Cow-Calf Corner: Fall feeder cattle market situation; Cow age and cow productivity
Cow-Calf Corner: Feedlots place more, lighter cattle; Growing weaned heifers on wheat pasture Sept. 24, 2018 Feedlots place more and lighter cattleby Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension livestock marketing …Continue Reading about Cow-Calf Corner: Feedlots place more, lighter cattle; Growing weaned heifers on wheat pasture