At a recent “Agricultural Best Practices for Watershed Planning” workshop, Dr. Lucas Gregory, Texas Water Resources Institute senior research scientist, shared information about agricultural management practices and how they relate to water quality. Some of the suggested agricultural best management practices include using portable shades for cattle to manage water quality when natural shade isn’t available. “In the summertime, it gets hot, and cows need shade to cool off. A lot of times, they’re relying on a pond or creek for water to cool off if there aren’t any trees around,” Gregory said. “Mobile shade structures can be used to draw cattle away from a watering source to manage water quality.” Nathan Glavy, TWRI program specialist, said agricultural best management practices are measures that help reduce the volume and pollutant load carried by surface stormwater runoff into rivers and lakes. –Texas Water Resources Institute Read more…
For more information on portable shade options, visit here, here and here at