The view from Austin: Water under the bridge? Though national news this week has been dominated by the presidential impeachment, agricultural producers and property owners …Continue Reading about The view from Austin: Water under the bridge?
The View from Austin: A WOTUS Victory Kaleb McLaurin, TSCRA’s executive director of government and public affairs, had another busy week traveling across the state to …Continue Reading about The View from Austin: A WOTUS Victory
TSCRA Talk, Episode 1: Criminals don’t take holidays You've talked, we've listened (and talked). We've heard from many of our members and friends who now choose podcasts over — or in …Continue Reading about TSCRA Talk, Episode 1: Criminals don’t take holidays
The view from Austin: China, USMCA and other good news It has been a busy but good week for cattle producers, with significant accomplishments on two landmark trade deals in Washington. …Continue Reading about The view from Austin: China, USMCA and other good news