Compared to sales two weeks ago: Feeder steers and heifers sold mostly 2.00 to as much as 8.00 higher. Trade activity was fairly active on moderate to good demand. Drought conditions continue with no moisture in sight, and unseasonably warm temperatures.
Compared to last week’s very light test: Feeder steers and heifers mostly steady. Steer and heifer calves sold 4.00-8.00 higher, 500-600 lbs holding steady. Demand, again very good for all classes. Sharply higher slaughter cattle prices and good clearance out of feedyards has helped to boost feeder demand. Demand for light weight calves is extremely good despite the very dry conditions across much of the state and the up coming forecast doesn’t show much moisture coming for wheat country. Only 2 weeks of auctions left before the holidays and those sales expected to be large. Slaughter cows sold 4.00-5.00 higher. Slaughter bulls 2.00-3.00 higher. Demand good for both packer and replacement cows.