Source: USDA NASS Texas Field Office
Temperatures were mostly cool across Texas last week. Freezing temperatures were experienced mid-week in the northern parts of the state. The Plains, the Cross Timbers, the Blacklands, the Trans-Pecos and North East Texas received little to no precipitation, while rainfall in the rest of the state ranged from 0.2 to 1.5 inches. There were 5.8 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains: Wheat seeding continued in the High Plains. Poor emergence was reported in areas of the Southern Low Plains and the Cross Timbers due to cold temperatures. Producers continued seeding small grains in the Blacklands, while seeding in South Texas slowed due to weather conditions.
Row Crops: Cottonharvest continued in the Plains, the Blacklands, East Texas, the Edwards Plateau and the Trans-Pecos. Harvest of corn and sorghum continued in the Northern High Plains. Rainfall interrupted peanut harvest in South Texas as well as the ratoon rice harvest in the Upper Coast.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops: Spinach and cabbage progressed in South Texas, while baby leaf spinach was nearing harvest. Pecan harvest was underway in the Cross Timbers, the Blacklands, the Trans-Pecos, the Edwards Plateau, South Central Texas, the Upper Coast and South Texas. Producers in the Southern High Plains experienced harvest delays, but expect to continue as soon as pecans dry to expectable moisture.
Livestock, Range and Pasture: Livestock condition continued mostly fair to good across the state. The use of supplemental feed remained high in many areas. Range and pasture condition was rated mostly fair to poor.
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