Source: USDA NASS | June 24, 2019
Scattered showers where experience throughout the state last week. Precipitation in East Texas ranged between 3 and 5 inches, with isolated areas reporting upwards of 6 inches. Throughout most of the state rainfall ranged from trace amounts up to 1.5 inches. Hail storms were reported in some areas of the High Plains, Southern Low Plains, and the Blacklands.
Small Grains: Small grains harvest continued in the Plains, the Cross Timbers, and the Blacklands. Wheat harvest neared completion in areas of the Edwards Plateau.
Row Crops: Cotton progress was delayed across the Plains due to adverse weather conditions. Prevented planting and poor stands due to cool temperatures and severe storms have caused some Plains cotton producers to switch to alternative crops. In areas of the Blacklands, Upper Coast, Trans-Pecos, and South Texas cotton continued to progress. Corn neared maturity in South and South Central Texas while continuing to progress across the rest of the state.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops: Watermelons and cantaloupes made progress in areas of South Texas. Pecan producers were optimistic as to the outlook for their crop but were monitoring insect populations closely in areas of the Cross Timbers, Trans-Pecos, Edwards Plateau, and South Texas.
Livestock, Range and Pasture: Livestock condition remained mostly good to fair across the state. Supplemental feeding was occurring in areas of South Texas and the Lower Valley with some producers supplying supplemental water as well. Pasture and range condition continued to be rated mostly good to fair.